Friday, July 9, 2010

July 8, 2010

Wednesday is usually a tough day at the assembly. Not because of a grueling agenda. Rather it is because Monday and Tuesday are such long and demanding days. These are the days spent in committee and the committees must finish their business by Tuesday night. They start work at 9am and work through, sometimes late into the night, with few breaks.

By Wednesday, people at GA tend to be sleep deprived, irritable and sluggish from sitting too long, eating too much and concentrating for long hours. The festive air has given way to lethargy. Yet, by Wednesday evening, with the convening of plenary, energy and interest return.

Part of it, no doubt, is the energy generated by the band playing as everyone comes into the assembly hall. The band members youth, energy and effervescence contribute to a spirit of joy. But it is more than that. The commissioners gathered here care deeply for our church. Energy is renewed as they set to work because of how very much they care.

Our governing process can be tedious with all our amendments, substitute motions, and calling for the question. Yet, these representatives from across the church deal, even in the details, with passion. It is both impressive and heartening.

So now we are to Thursday. Folks have gotten some rest and been heartened by the work done yesterday. Hope is in the air. But more than that, there is a pervasive sense that Christ is moving in our midst here, enlivening our church. And I am profoundly grateful to witness it.

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